• Campus-wide energy management system (Siemens) employed. Occupancy times, unoccupied period set-backs and environmental parameters, as well as campus related (and athletic) activities are coordinated to ensure that the best possible use (or conservation) of resources is employed.
  • Distribution of free compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) to all students.SmartMeter
  • The Enernoc Company has been retained to enable the College to implement “load-shedding” strategies, which will enable the College to shed electric use on campus as opportunities present themselves.
  • The installation of Smart Meters at the College tracks how much energy we consume and when, and can communicate this information over a network to the utility office.
  • Most lighting on campus is being retrofitted or upgraded to high efficiency lighting (such as T5 fluorescent, LED technology, etc.) with electronic ballasts. Remaining areas will be upgraded as funding becomes available.
  • New construction and remodeling projects use high efficiency lighting and minimum incandescent lighting.