219 North Third Street (former Cases Tire site)
- 1 October 2014: mobilization for micropile work
- 1-6 October 2014: test pile installation
- 6-31 October 2014: deep foundation system installation
- 31 October 2014 to 7 November 2014: Completed Art’s Plaza Wall to Slab “Cap” demo, Formed and reinforced Art’s Plaza Wall to slab “Cap”, Poured Art’s Plaza “Cap and Beam reinforcement”, Tested 3 Production Piles for Quality Assurance – Design Criteria Met!, Excavated road way to northern pile caps, Temporary Power to Site – Complete!
- Dec. 1 – Dec. 16, 2014: Pile Drilling Completed 12/5/14 with the last Piles in MAT01 Slab area; Grouting and Piles overall completion date 12/8/14; Coastal Drilling – Demobilized by 12/10/14; Excavation of MAT01 and F-Line Pile caps Completed 12/8/14; Redi-Rock Wall Foundation excavation Complete 12/12/14
- Dec. 17 – Jan. 8, 2015: All micropiles & microcaps completed; Site Wall – block wall erected; Water service tie-in along 3rd street; Fire Hydrant installed at 3rd street; Redi-Rock retaining wall in progress; Final corner of new ADA ramp completed; Forms at front entryway nearly completed
For more detailed information on this project Click Here.
WVAB and the Ahart Family Arts Plaza
The Ahart Family Arts Plaza power re-feed will begin the week of June 1st, affecting the first floor of the WVAB and the Plaza. During the course of the construction the crews will mainly be on the 1st floor of the WVAB and the Ahart Plaza. We’re anticipating construction taking place over the course of 6 weeks, starting with demolition of new openings in the side of the WVAB to run conduit from the Ahart Plaza into the closet on the Southwest corner of the building. From the closet, conduit will be run to the electrical room on the Northeast corner of the building.
In addition to refeeding power to the Ahart Plaza, there will also be conduit added from the IT Closet to the Plaza, that will eventually tie into the new FAMS/T building.